Radiation Machine Inspections

Radiation Machine Inspection​s


The information on this page has been reviewed and updated as of December 2, 2021, including an updated inspection due date list under Member Dentist List below.

The state of Missouri (19 CSR 20-10.050, page 5) actively enforces for all facilities the performance of radiation inspection surveys performed by Qualified Experts. 

  • Cone Beam CT machines must be inspected on a three-year rotation 
  • All other machines (intraoral, pano) must be inspected on a six-year rotation

Effective January 1, 2014, it is the responsibility of the owner of x-ray machines to provide for both initial and periodic inspection of x-ray machines, and to ensure radiation shielding is adequate, through use of MRCP-approved Qualified Experts (QEs) in radiation safety. 

In 2017 the MDA helped pass a bill changing the annual inspection of CBCTs to once every three years (instead of annually); it became law August 28, 2017. With average CBCT unit inspection costs around $2,000, it’s easy to figure the thousands of dollars in cost savings for doctors utilizing this technology.

  • Radiation Safety Key Takeaway Points
  • Contact the Missouri Radiation Control Program

Inspection Due Dates 

In an effort to help MDA members schedule required radiation inspections BEFORE their due date and possibly coordinate with other area dental practices for potential cost savings, we’ve published a list of member names and due dates, sorted by city.

The issue most frequently expressed by MDA member dentists is the cost of inspections. We hope that providing the following lists and related information, dental practices can schedule inspections in an effective manner so that costs* may be aggregated with other surrounding dental practices; thus, individual offices may experience savings on inspections. However this should not be misconstrued, in that the MDA will not be coordinating any radiation inspections between members and qualified experts. *Travel costs; number of practices (to aggregate); number and types of machines (CBCT vs Pano vs Intraoal); and, due date (inspections needed very close to due date versus having plenty of lead time are all factors a QE considers).

Steps to Get Started

  1. If you do not know your inspection due date, search the Member Dentist List (linked below) to find it. Use the PDF search function or CRTL + F to find. This list is password protected; website login is required.
  2. Once you find your name, if you wish to try to coordinate your inspection with others in your component, use the PDF Bookmark Panel to navigate to the section for your component.
  3. Inquire with nearby dentists who are due the same year to determine if they have an inspections scheduled. If so, consider contacting the QE, using the Qualified Expert List, to inquire about available discounts based on combining mileage and number of practices/machines; if a QE has not been contacted, you may wish to contact one or more on behalf of nearby dentists to try to coordinate inspections for potential cost savings.
  • Member Dentist List
  • Qualified Expert List
  • Questions About Using the Lists
  • Inspection Extension Eligibility
  • Service Rep/Dentist Communication Guidance

Member Questions

The MDA has received various questions about the required radiation inspections. These follow and will be updated as needed. If you have questions about items on this page, contact Melissa Albertson at the MDA.

  • Radiation Inspection Questions