Dental Well Being Foundation Logo
Well Being Mowen

Overview of MDA Voluntary Wellness Program.

Voluntary Wellness Program

The Dental Well Being Foundation was founded in 2010 as a 501(c)3 charitable foundation of the MDA. We exist to provide a safe place for dental professionals to find assistance and resources for addressing wellbeing issues ranging from stress, to depression, to addiction and more. This starts with the Voluntary Wellness Program. We have a history of success and a trusted, experienced administrator in Rebecca Mowen to help navigate a path toward good mental and emotional health.

Call us today for professional assistance at 314-435-1101. We're here to help. All calls are strictly confidential.

Give to the Dental Well Being Foundation

Give Online

All gifts to the DWBF are tax deductible. Thank you on behalf of those who benefit from the work of the DWBF and Voluntary Wellness Program. 

ADA Wellness Resources

Dentistry is demanding. Physically, mentally, emotionally. The ADA has resources to help care for you and your staff. 

ADA Wellness Resources

Contact Us

Foundation Board & Staff

Foundation Director
Paul Roberts
3340 American Ave
Jefferson City MO 65109

Dr. JC Standlee, Chair
Dr. Stephen Matthews, Vice-Chair
Dr. Philip Batson, Secretary/Treasurer

Dr. Christy Hager 
Dr. Robert Tait 
Dr. Mack Taylor

Susan Bear, RDH

Vicki Wilbers, MDA Executive Director
Rebecca Mowen, Program Administrator