Oral Hygiene Supply Donations
The MDA Foundation has a limited supply of free brush, paste and floss to help those doing oral health outreach to schools and communities, and especially to those with limited access to care and materials. It’s a great idea to ask an MDA member dentist or another dental team member to be present at your event to teach good habits and answer questions. It is also helpful to provide brush, paste and floss as a means of encouraging new healthy habits.
We have a limited supply request program and supplies are not guaranteed, based on inventory. To offer this program statewide, we ask that you honor these requirements:
- One request per organization per calendar year. No exceptions.
- For inventory control and ease of shipping, all requests will be limited to a quantity of 144. We cannot do custom or oversize orders.
- You must submit your order online using the form below.
- Supplies may arrive anywhere from 2-10 days before the event. Plan ahead!
- We no longer provide printed Stop the Pop or Start Right brochures, but you may download and print these from our Oral Health Education page, where you can find additional resources.
- For questions, email Paul Roberts.