MDA Bestows Honors

Jun 24, 2024
Presidential & Executive Director Honorees

In addition to Dentist of the Year, Outstanding New Dental Leader and Distinguished Service awards, the MDA honored the following individuals at its Awards Banquet June 21.

Staff Recognition: Margie Kunze

The MDA thanks Margie Kunze, Governance Manager, for 25 years of service to the Association. Margie handles all aspects of managing the Board of Trustees and House of Delegates administrative items as well as component communications regarding these. She also is executive assistant to Vicki Wilbers, Executive Director.

Honorary Membership: Dr. Mike Medovic 

It is the privilege of the MDA Board of Trustees to award honorary membership to any individual, dentist or not, who has made outstanding contributions to the advancement of the art and science of dentistry and to organized dentistry. This year is Dr. Medovic’s last as our ADA Sixth District Trustee. However, this year he also embarks on his official candidacy for ADA President-Elect. We wish him the best! 

Executive Director Award of Excellence: Jorgen Schlemeier

Vicki Wilbers selected Jorgen, MDA Contract Lobbyist, to receive this award in recognition of his outstanding support for the dental profession and the state of Missouri. Jorgen has been a longtime advocate for the MDA and works minor miracles at the Capitol! Although he is a paid lobbyist, Vicki chose him for this award because he has gone above and beyond for the association and the people of Missouri in oral health advocacy. 

Presidential Citation: Drs. Drue Barton, Guy Deyton, Rolfe McCoy, Jackie Miller and Ron Wilkerson, and, Melissa Albertson, Mandy Lewis and Vicki Wilbers

This group was recognized by Dr. Jeremy Bowen for their outstanding service to the MDA Expanded Function Dental Assistant program and specifically the Oral Preventive Assistant Curriculum. While each had different roles, from clinical to administrative, they all were significant in bringing the curriculum and clinical training processes to fruition. They volunteered significant time and fit the work into existing projects and schedules. We look forward to this work materializing through the OPA Pilot Program and the positive strides we believe it can make for the dental workforce and access to preventive care in Missouri.