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New Licensure Site

Mar 12, 2025
Modern, always available licensure system.

On January 14, 2025, the Missouri Division of Professional Registration and its boards began operating in a new, modern, and 24/7/365 licensure system: MOPRO!

Go online to MOPRO to register for an account.

  • To register, you must have an email on record with your board. If you have not received an email about MOPRO, please contact the Dental Board to update your records. Many boards have online services that allow you to quickly and easily change your contact information. Please feel free to change your email address using this feature if it is available for your board.

If you need help registering for your MOPRO account, the Division of Professional Registration has a call center that can assist you. Please call 833-373-2936 or email for help!

MOPRO will give you access to your information 24/7 including, but not limited to:

  • Applying for a license.
  • Renewing your license, whether on time or late.
  • Submitting payments online for your license, a duplicate license, or licensure verification.
  • Changing your name, address, or other contact information.
  • Changing corporate officers or owners of a licensed business.
  • Tracking supervision hours.

If you have questions about your license, contact information, or other board-specific questions, please contact the Dental Board for assistance! 

Watch MOPRO Overview


Who is MOPRO for? This online system is for any kind of license or permit issued by the Division of Professional Registration (for dental professionals, this means dentist and hygienist licenses, EFDA and anesthesia permits, etc. Going forward, you will use MOPRO to renew licenses and permits, change an address, etc.

Will we be able to still renew our license the old way with paper and mailing in a check, or is it solely going to be online? Also, are paper/mail reminders for license renewals going to cease? The Dental Board has stated that for the 2026 renewal period, they likely will still offer paper renewals to those who need it; however, already 93% of renewals are online (even before the new system), so it is a very small number of licensees not renewing online. It is expected after the 2026 renewal period, all licenses and permits will move to 100% online renewal and the same for mailed reminder notices. After the 2026 renewal, the plan is to discontinue those as well. 

Lawful Presence Requirement

In the new MOPRO system, licensees and applicants will be required to submit proof of or demonstrate continued lawful presence in the United States.

Federal law 8 U.S.C.A §1621, requires individuals be "lawfully present" to hold a license to practice. "Lawfully present" people are U.S. citizens or foreign residents holding specific VISA status or other legal authority to work in the United States. Acceptable documents demonstrating lawful presence are listed below.

Proof of lawful presence also helps us protect you against the fraudulent use of your personal information in the licensing system.

Proof of lawful presence will be required for all new applications and reinstatements (from a lapsed, inactive, or expired status) after January 14, 2025.

U.S. Citizenship:

  1. A REAL ID driver's license
  2. A birth certificate showing birth in one of the 50 states or territories of the United States
  3. A signed United States passport; current or expired.

Foreign Citizen Proof of Lawful Presence:

  1. F1 Student Visa
  2. H1B Visa
  3. U.S. Permanent Resident Card
  4. U.S. Permanent Resident Card Expired - Extension Granted
  5. VISA with stamped date of U.S. entry

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